Thess-AHALL co-organizing StudentGuru Hackathon

The Thessaloniki Active & Healthy Ageing Living Lab – Thess-AHALL and its methodologies will be presented at the StudentGuru Hackathon. The participants will have the opportunity to design and develop their serious games through the webFitForAll online collaborative serious games platform.

Friday 28/04
16:00-17:00 Introduction to Universal Windows Platform
17:00-18:00 Introduction to Bot Framework
18:00-19:00 Introdution to the WebFitForAll serious games platform
19:00-20:00 Introduction to Unity 3D
20:00-20:30 Brainstorming & Networking

Saturday 29/04:
10:00-10:30 Networking
10:30-14:00 Hackathon & Mentoring
14:00-14:30 Pizza Time
14:30-16:00 Hackathon & Mentoring
16:00-18:00 Presentations preparation & Mentoring
18:00-19:30 Presentation
19:30-20:00 Results & Awards

The event’s poster


Thess-AHALL promotes co-creation and living labs by explaining to early researchers and students the importance of participatory design. The talk was given at a hackathon co-organized by the StudentGuru and Thess-AHALL. webFitForAll was included among the hackathon available tools for developing.